Chapter 5: Review

In this chapter we learned about lists.

Use the <UL> tag to start an unordered list of items, and use the </UL> to end the unordered list. Each item in an unordered list is indented. Start each item of the list with the <LI>, or list item, tag.

Use the <OL> tag to start an ordered list of items, and use the </OL> to end the ordered list. Each item in an ordered list is indented, just as they are with unordered lists. Also, each list item in an ordered list is preceded with a number, in order, instead of a "bullet".

You can create nested lists in HTML by simply including the list tags inside a list item tag.

The definition list tag, or <DL>, can be used to define a definition. It is commonly used to describe items found in a glossary. The definition list is made up of a term, <DT>, and followed by one or more definition descriptions <DD> items.

This concludes the chapter on lists.

I am ready to go to the next chapter.


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