Generate A Certificate Signing Request Using IIS 6


A certificate signing request is how a Web site obtains its digital certificate. It does so by issuing a request to a certifying authority. To generate the request, certain information needs to be compiled.



  1. Getting started
  2. Internet Information Services

  3. Properties

    Default Web Site Properties

  4. Server Certificate

    IIS Certificate Wizard - Server Certificate

  5. Delayed or Immediate Request

    IIS Certificate Wizard - Delayed or Immediate Request

  6. Name and Security Settings

    IIS Certificate Wizard - Name and Security Settings

  7. Organization Information

    IIS Certificate Wizard - Organization Information

  8. Web Site's Common Name

    IIS Certificate Wizard - Your Site's Common Name

  9. Geographical Information

    IIS Certificate Wizard - Geographical Information

  10. Certificate Request File Name

    IIS Certificate Wizard - Certificate Request File Name

  11. Request File Summary

    IIS Certificate Wizard - Request File Summary

Congratulations! You have successfully created a certificate signing request.