Chapter 9 Review Questions

Let us see how much you have learned in this chapter by going over these review questions.

  1. Which statement is true?
    1. Enthusiasm is dangerous.
    2. Evalutating a candidate's integrity is easy.
    3. The level of effort and commitment is uniform throughout the life of the product.
    4. The product manager directly manages the people on the product team.
    5. The product manager must be willing to trust those people to do their job.

  2. When making presentations, great product managers are all of the following except?
    1. Clearly knowledgeable about their product.
    2. Engaging.
    3. Enthusiastic about their product.
    4. Presenting with a maximum number of slides.
    5. Speaking clearly and to the point.

  3. How long does it take to get a new product manager up to speed?
    1. Months
    2. One day
    3. One week
    4. Two weeks
    5. Two years

  4. To work effectively with the engineering team, the product manager should have all of the following except?
    1. A deep understanding of product positioning and branding.
    2. A deep understanding of the technology.
    3. The ability to speak the language of engineering.
    4. The ability to understand and appreciate engineering issues.
    5. The respect of the engineering team.

© 2008 John Michael Pierobon
