Course Description
In this one-day hands-on course students learn how to improve problem-solving skills and become more creative.
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Be more creative
- Understand problems and the creative problem solving process
- Identify types of information to gather
- Ask insightful questions to find the root of the problem
- Correctly define a problem
- Write concrete problem statements
- Use brainstorming tools to generate ideas for solutions
- Evaluate potential solutions against criteria
- Perform a final analysis to select a solution
- Identify the tasks and resources necessary to implement solutions
- Evaluate and adapt solutions to reality
- Make better decisions through critical thinking and creative problem solving
Course Benefits
Critical Thinking & Creative Problem Solving are essential skills needed to acieve success in business and in everyday life. Students learn how to ask the right questions to indentify causes of problems, and also learn techniques analyze options to find the best solution. This course teaches creativity which produces innovative ideas, and critical thinking that can be used to effectively solve problems in a systematic way.
Who Should Attend
This course is valuable for anyone who has to solve problems and make decisions. Anyone who wants to be beter at solving problems and is responsible for making decisions should attend.
Method Of Instruction
Lecture, discussion, three short interactive quizzes, questions and answers, and several hands-on exercises.
Hands-on Exercises
Throughout this course, students perform a series of enlightening hands-on exercises.
- Gathering Information
- Reading
- Brainstorming
- Decision Analysis
- Implementation
Course Outline
Chapter 1: StartChapter 2: Gathering Information
- What Is A Problem
- What Is Critical Thinking
- What Is Creative Problem Solving
- Benefits Of Creative Problem Solving
- Creativity Can Be Taught
- Successful Problem Solvers
- Systematic Approach
- Steps In Creative Problem Solving
Chapter 3: Defining The Problem
- Why Gather Information
- Types Of Information
- Sources Of Information
- Methods For Gathering Information
- Questions To Ask
Chapter 4: Creativity
- Asking Questions
- Asking "Why?" To Define The Problem
- Present State And Desired State
- Restate The Problem
Chapter 5: Brainstorming
- What Is Creativity
- Mental Blocks
- Removing Mental Blocks
- Creative Behaviors
- Creativity Requires
- Stimulating Creativity
- Creativity Activities
Chapter 6: Analyzing Solutions
- What is Brainstorming
- The Four Rules of Brainstorming
- Brainstorming Steps
- Setting the Stage
- Selecting the Moderator
- Responsibilities of the Moderator
- Conducting the Brainstorming Session
- The Process of Brainstorming
Chapter 7: Selection
- Developing Criteria
- Wants And Needs
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Cost-Effective Analysis
- Duncker Diagram
- Morphological Analysis
- Six Thinking Hats
Chapter 8: Implementation
- Decision Matrix Analysis
- Paired Comparison Analysis
- Pareto Analysis
- Monster Exercise
Chapter 9: Lessons Learned
- Selling The Solution
- Business Case
- Present The Solution
- Heart, Head, And Hands
- Implementation Plan
- Evaluating The Implementation Plan
- Mind Map
- Adjustments To The Implementation
- Why Solutions Fail
- Identifying Improvements
- Celebrating Success