<% ' If date is in the future redirect to default if DateDiff("d",CDate(#9/14/2009#),date()) < 0 then response.redirect("default.asp") end if %> Pitchers With 400 Complete Games

Daily Baseball Quiz

Monday, September 14, 2009
Today's theme is: Pitchers With 400 Complete Games

  1. Which was the first pitcher to pitch 400 complete games in his career?
    1. John Clarkson
    2. Pud Galvin
    3. Tim Keefe
    4. Bobby Mathews
    5. Charles Radbourn

  2. Which pitcher has given up the most hits?
    1. Pud Galvin
    2. Walter Johnson
    3. Bobby Mathews
    4. Kid Nichols
    5. Cy Young

  3. Which pitcher has given up the most runs?
    1. Bobby Mathews
    2. Kid Nichols
    3. Mickey Welch
    4. Gus Weyhing
    5. Cy Young

  4. Which was the first pitcher to lead the National League in complete games four years in a row?
    1. Grover Cleveland Alexander
    2. John Clarkson
    3. Pud Galvin
    4. Tim Keefe
    5. Jim McCormick

  5. Which pitcher has the most hit batsmen in his career?
    1. Walter Johnson
    2. Tony Mullane
    3. Eddie Plank
    4. Gus Weyhing
    5. Cy Young

  6. For how many seasons did Walter Johnson lead the American League in complete games?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 5
    5. 6

  7. Who was the first pitcher to win a game in which he gave up at least 7 runs in the first inning?
    1. Pud Galvin
    2. Jim McCormick
    3. Kid Nichols
    4. Jack Powell
    5. Cy Young

  8. Who holds the National League record for most complete games in a career?
    1. John Clarkson
    2. Pud Galvin
    3. Tim Keefe
    4. Kid Nichols
    5. Mickey Welch

  9. Who was the first pitcher to strike out the first nine batters at the start of a game?
    1. Grover Cleveland Alexander
    2. Walter Johnson
    3. Tim Keefe
    4. Eddie Plank
    5. Mickey Welch

© 2009 John Michael Pierobon